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Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (QUIP) (Short Form)
Please email the author for information about obtaining the instrument: Dr. Daniel Weintraub,
Permission for use should be sought from the author, Dr. Weintraub. The University of Pennsylvania holds the copyright to the QUIP.
Supplemental - Highly Recommended: Parkinson's Disease (PD)
Recommendations for use: Indicated for studies assessing impulse control and behavioral disturbances in PD when not a primary outcome.
Short Description of Instrument
The Questionnaire for Compulsive-Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (QUIP) is a self-rated screening instrument developed and validated for the detection of ICDs and related behaviors in PD. There are full and abbreviated versions of the instrument. The short form is similar to the long form but has 2 questions for each disorder instead of 5 for the 4 most common ICDs.
Comments/Special Instructions
This questionnaire was derived from the QUIP long form by omitting 17 questions. The QUIP has been validated in PD and translated into several languages.
Scoring and Psychometric Properties
Scoring: The QUIP short form assesses four ICDs (involving gambling, sexual, buying, and eating behaviors) with two questions each, plus introductory questions for punding, hobbyism, walkabout, and compulsive medication use. 13 questions total.
Psychometric Properties: (AUC) pathological gambling = 0.95, hyper sexuality = 0.96, compulsive buying = 0.87, compulsive eating = 0.88, punding = 0.78, hobbyism = 0.93, walkabout = 0.79, low positive predictive values; positive screen should be followed by clinical interview
Strengths: very brief ~3 minutes, self-rated, validated in PD
Weaknesses: designed for screening, not for diagnosis or severity, risk of overidentification as up to 40% will have positive QUIP without an ICD diagnosis, limited sensitivity for punding and walkabout, limited validity for compulsive medication use, does not evaluate the severity of ICDs, poor agreement between patient and informant ratings in some studies
Key Reference:
Weintraub D, Hoops S, Shea JA, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Driver-Dunckley ED, Adler CH, Potenza MN, Miyasaki J, Siderowf AD, Duda JE, Hurtig HI, Colcher A, Horn SS, Stern MB, Voon V. Validation of the questionnaire for impulsive-compulsive disorders in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord. 2009 Jul 30;24(10):1461-7.
Additional Reference:
Papay K, Mamikonyan E, Siderowf AD, Duda JE, Lyons KE, Pahwa R, Driver-Dunckley ED, Adler CH, Weintraub D. Patient versus informant reporting of ICD symptoms in Parkinson's disease using the QUIP: validity and variability. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2011 Mar;17(3):153-5.
Document last updated August 2022